A Message from our Founder
Packard Motor Car Company had a slogan that I admire and think could, with slight alteration,
APTly applied to us.  It was: "Ask the man who owns one."  I would keep the thought,
change the words and say, "Ask our customers!"

For more than ten years we have continually served all the major manufacturers of
automated test equipment all around the world.  Most of our customers depend upon us for
both material and manufacturing.  This prestigious group is primary reason for our
continuation while our Customer Service Policy helps them to feel comfortable with their
contribution to our success.

I'm proud to publish that policy here just as it is published in our Employee Handbook and
Company Policy Manual:

Listen:  Listen attentively to the customer's concerns. Don't interrupt. Be understanding. Make
Ask:    Ask what we can do to satisfy them.
Do it:   Do anything legal and ethical that will satisfy the customer.

Please take a moment to check us out.  Call a friend at any of the leading companies in the
A.T.E. Industry.  Ask them about the quality of our service.  I'm convinced that the result of that
call will sufficiently impress you so you will give us a try.  Then, given the opportunity to serve
your company, I promise that each of our associates will do all that we can to grow the
relationship to friends with mutual interests conducting business with a concern for the
future.  Please contact me and let's discuss how we might serve your company.