APT Liberty, LLC is also a full-line distributor of industrial plastics with emphasis on the
electro-mechanicals. FR4/G10, G11, AT7000™*, "The G10 Made especially for A.T.E.",
AT8000™*, high flexural strength G10, 50% stronger than standard G10/FR4, AT9000™**
(ESD G10), phenolics, PVC, acetal (Delrin), ABS, nylon and others are carried in various
sizes, colors and shapes. All materials are sold "accu-cut" to size in close tolerances. Our
unique cross directorships afford us the best possible price, quality and turn around time.
You can save in many ways by having your parts made by us with APT Liberty's material. See
the line card.

We work with several ferrous and nonferrous metals. Various grades and types of steel,
aluminum, brass and small castings are common raw materials from which we fabricate
quality parts for our customers.
Vendor Relations
Without our fine vendors, it would be very difficult to maintain our competitive edge. We
demand much from this wonderful group of professionals, as we could not promise our
customers accuracy, price and timing if we didn't get the same from our vendors. We
reciprocate by being loyal and paying invoices on time, every time. Like our customers, our
vendors have been with us for years.
* AT7000™, AT8000™ and AT9000™ are glass epoxy laminated sheet products sold exclusively by APT Liberty, LLC, 81 West Street, Attleboro, MA
02703 (508)226-8700.
** The use of AT9000™ in a vacuum actuated test fixture or kit may require a license from Everett Charles Technologies under U.S. Patent No. 4,814,698.